October 26/November 9
What makes Saint Demetrios so beloved in significant parts of the Orthodox World?
Some venerate him more than other saints because of his fame as a wonder-worker. Some venerate him because he's not just a holy martyr but a great holy martyr, which means that he suffered tremendous tortures and remained faithful to Christ. Some venerate him for other reasons. We venerate him for being so dedicated to spreading the Faith in general and particularly to the younger. His example guides us, and we daily count on his intercessions with Christ for our family, our ministry - the first dedicated exclusively to serving the younger members of the Church - and our parish, a parish dedicated to him, a parish so blessed to have received a small part of his miraculous Holy Relics.

Together with each Paterikon book, feel free to choose a "Paterikon Purse" of your liking and either a fasting or non-fasting treat.