November 12/November 25
"The Patriarch and the Quilt" is the first of the most extensive Orthodox series: "Paterikon for KIds." Now in its fifth edition in English, eighth in Greek, second in Romanian, and also available in Russian, Spanish, Polish, Italian, German, Bulgarian, and Dutch/Flemish.
Saint John the Merciful is helping thousands of children of the Orthodox Church to be generous through his shiny example and in a smile-provoking way.
Nothing better, nothing more rewarding than teaching our children to be generous!
Generosity is the key to sainthood! May Saint John the Merciful intercede for all of us and our families!
8th Edition!
1. Saint John the Merciful of Alexandria had a unique style of philanthropy and joyful giving. In this story, he creatively involved a nobleman in helping the poor of Alexandria, Egypt. (Do you know the meaning of the word Egypt?
Select this purse to create with this Paterikon for Kids book an "Orthodox Favor" to share at your child's baptism.
Available in ten languages! Which of these do you want your children to know?