June 4/June17
Saint Sophia of Thrace lived some thousand years ago, yet her life serves as a fabulous example of how much we have to love Christ, the way He asks us to, more than everybody and everything else. The Saint lost her beloved husband and their six children to an epidemic, but she didn't lose faith in Christ, Who led her to improve the lives and ultimately save the souls of dozens of orphaned children.
"Saint Sophia of Thrace" is "Paterikon for Kids" #24!
4th Edition!
Available in English, Greek and Romanian.
An excellent little Paschal gift for your Sunday School children!
Free Shipping! Free Pouch! Free Treat!
We celebrate having rounded the hundred "Paterikon for Kids" books and are now offering "Paterikon Purses" and Greek sweet treats!
Together with each Paterikon book, feel free to choose a "Paterikon Purse" of your liking and either a fasting or non-fasting treat.
Together with each Paterikon book, feel free to choose a "Paterikon Purse" of your liking and either a fasting or non-fasting treat.