Get all the Paterikon for Kids books that are available in Romanian!
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Paterikon for Kids: 56 volumes
#1: The Patriarch and the Quilt
#2: The Monks and the Grapes
#3: The Trisagion Hymn
#4: The Rich Man and the Loaf of Bread
#5: Saint Spyridon, the Miracle with the Clay Tile
#6: The Gifts of the Magi
#7: Saint Gerasim and the Lion
#8: The Story of the Vasilopita
#9: Holy Prophet Jonah and the Whale
#10: Saint Nicholas and the Three Poor Maidens
#11: The Barber Saint-Holy New-Martyr Elias Ardounis
#12: The Nativity of Christ
#13: The Resurrection of Christ
#14: The Abbot and the Robbers-Saint Moses The African
#15: Saint Nektarios’ Shoes
#16: Saint Christos the Gardener
#17: The Holy Prophet Elias
#18: Saint Phanourios
#19: Archangel Michael and the Miracle at Chonae
#20: The Three Hierarchs
#21: Saint John the Forerunner and Baptist of Christ
#22: Saint Lydia
#23: The Dormition of the Theotokos
#24: Mother of Orphans-Saint Sophia of Thrace
#25: Saint Mary of Egypt
#26: Evangelist Matthew
#27: Saint Demetrios
#28: Saint George The Trophybearer
#29: The Blessed Surgeon-Saint Luke, Archbishop of Crimea
#30: Saint Dionysios of Mount Olympos
#31: The Annunciation of the Theotokos
#32: The Friend of Christ
#33: Holy Week
#34: Saint Mary Magdalene
#35: Holy Myrrh Bearers
#36: Saint Sofia of Kleisoura
#37: Saint Paisios of Mount Athos
#38: The Five Holy New Martyrs of Samothraki
#39: Saint Helen and the Finding of the Holy Cross
#40: The Forty Holy Martyrs
#41: Holy Prophet Daniel
#42: Three Youths in the Furnace
#43: Saint David of Wales
#44: Saint Mardarije
#45: Saint Sebastian of Jackson
#46: Saint Chryse
#47: Saint Gerasim of Kephalonia
#48: Saint Sophia and her Three Daughters
#49: The Baptism of Christ
#50: Saint Niphon of Constantia
#51: Saint Xenia of Saint Petersburg
#52: Holy Apostle Andrew
#53: Saint Panteleimon
#54: Saint Kyriaki
#55: Saint Marina
#56: The Voyage of Saint Brendan the Irish