Subscribe now and make a difference in an Orthodox child's life!
A subscription for your godchild, grandchild, or favorite nephew/niece who lives in another city/state.
The child will remember you every day of the month by reading about the life of the saint of the day.
Matushka Nikki from Maryland just wrote this to us."
"Love, love, love the new Synaxarion series for children. It is not a usual synaxarion or collection of the lives of Saints. It provides so … much more than the traditional description of the life of a Saint - it has expanded the understanding of the history of the world and the many cultures that have embraced Christianity through colorful graphics and accurate timelines. It teaches them new skills - promoting map reading and exposing them to fun new facts they are eager to tell me. For example, they can figure out which Saints knew each other and how far they traveled and employ this information in new ways.
Several of my children took this new information and made quizzes, maps, and game boards, as well as did extra research. From a nightly bedtime story to board games, there are many ways to use this set!
Buy it for you, your church school, and your homeschool. You won't regret it!"