18th Edition!
Let the children know that Santa Claus truly exists, and his full name is Saint Nicholas of Myra.
10. Today, children in many countries eagerly await St. Nicholas's gifts. But in this memorable story, the saint's humble, secret charity surprised three sisters and saved them from a terrible fate.
"Paterikon for Kids" #10 is one of the original twelve "Paterikon for Kids" books, published December 2, 2010.
(Saint Porphyrios' Feast Day and Egle-Ekaterine's birthday!)
We celebrate having rounded the hundred "Paterikon for Kids" books and now offer "Paterikon Purses" and Greek sweet treats!
With each Paterikon book, feel free to choose a "Paterikon Purse" of your liking and either a fasting or non-fasting treat.
They're on us!
"Paterikon for Kids - Saint Nicholas and the Three Poor Girls" now has its own "Paterikon Purse!" With that your gift on the Saints Feast is even more welcome.
Paterikon #10 is available in ten languages! Its own "Paterikon Purse" is available in English, Greek, and Romanian.