January 3/16
France was an Orthodox country for many centuries. The Church has many important Saints, one of which is Saint Genevieve, the Patroness of Paris.
"Saint Genevieve" is "Paterikon for Kids" #61, a concise and beautifully illustrated synaxarion of her life.

Excellent keepsake for Baptisms, for Orthodox children and adults alike!
Free Shipping! Free Pouch! Free Treat!
We celebrate having rounded the hundred "Paterikon for Kids" books and now offer "Paterikon Purses" and Greek sweet treats!
With each Paterikon book, choose a "Paterikon Purse" of your liking and either a fasting or non-fasting treat.
With each Paterikon book, choose a "Paterikon Purse" of your liking and either a fasting or non-fasting treat.
Have you seen this beautiful "Orthodox Coloring Book?"
It includes a dogmatically correct hand-drawn Icon of Saint Genevieve!
Buy it individually, or click here in a value package with another five; save and get free shipping, too!
Enjoy reading it to your kids!